Could it be this and then this? Or is it this? Maybe it's really this. This is a pretty big deal for us Californians. Well, just wait a sec...I think this is really the news of the week! No, wait, I'm getting somewhere with this, really I am.
In honor of Google's 10th Birthday, they have made their oldest available archive from 2001 available once again and and guess who doesn't even show up?! Yep, you betchya! Our favorite folksy momma, Mrs. Sarah Palin! Try it, Google her full name, quotes or no quotes and NOTHING comes up! Just as a comparison, I googled myself. I was just out of college in 2001 and was just beginning my first non-profit job as a political phone fundraiser! Google me and you get five pages! Okay, so some of the hits are for other people, this is clear. I am not an optometrist in New Jersey, nor have I ever been one. But STILL, I am NOT RUNNING FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!
Why is this relevant? Why can't I just leave Palin alone? Because, this story has major impact, this women could be our president, that scares me more than anything. As mayor, her town voted to make rape victims pay for their own rap kits! Views like that will sure as hell impact many, many women! This story has timeliness and conflict. Again, we are in the middle of a heated presidential race and the clock is ticking, the election is exactly one month away. This story has prominence. The person in question's fame is growing exceedingly, although she obviously had none, prominence that is, less than ten years ago. This story has currency, not only because of election day being so near but also because of the debate on Thursday and other recent appearances by Sarah Palin that called into question her readiness to become Vice President of the United States. Finally, it's just bizarre that someone 15 years her junior and NOT running for Vice President of the United States would have more Google hits in 2001 than Sarah Palin. Ugh, ugh, ugh! Please let me never have to speakith, or writith, her name after November 4th! And, no I do not hate Palin because I am 'jealous of her beauty or her success', no I can't stand Palin because she is an idiot who would like to blow up the world.