This was a difficult week, both personally and globally. So I apologize in advance if this post isn't very entertaining.
I decided on Wednesday to make the debate my 'news of the week'. But now that the week is officially over, it is obvious that the presidential debate was not the most important news this week. Yep folks, it's still the economy.
You know that the world is in deep trouble when a very wealthy country suddenly goes belly up! Iceland's financial system completely collapsed this week, not just affecting banks and companies all over the world but entire countries that relied on Icelandic banks. Some are even calling this the start of the next World War.
Why is this important? As I stated above, the impact of this economic crash is being felt around the world from the the U.S. to England to Russia. This story has timeliness and currency; Iceland's economy just crashed this week and this is just another disaster in a long trail of economic disasters that has had people in capitalistic societies across the globe in a panic for almost two months. This story has conflict. People are losing homes, jobs, retirement, everything because of this crash. Finally, this story is bizarre. I think most people find it strange and frightening that a rich, Nordic country could just completely collapse.
Good analysis of news values. 10/10
P.S. Freeze, chill, stop...of course, since their glaciers are melting, perhaps we need some alternatives to "freeze."
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