Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top News of the Week Or McCain's C-R-A-Z-Y Week Or Mr. McCain's Wild Ride!

The Maverick himself cuddling up with his best bud....awww.

Whew is that man McCain a crazy maverick or what!? First, he insists that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong"...again and again and again! Then he jumps up--or maybe the more accurate word is "flips"--and cries that we are suddenly in an economic crisis! Now that McCain has said it, we should all start stock piling canned peas and fastening shoes out of deer skins!

So to fix it all he wants to
fire SEC chairman Christopher Cox, but wait...oh wait, McCain isn't the president, silly man, and even if he was, the president CAN'T fire the SEC chairman! Oh you crazy mavericky man you! But oh wait wait wait!!! Things are SO horribly wrong now that there's only ONE MAN WHO CAN SAVE US!! Quick Robin, to the Bat Cave! But that means that he most certainly can't stand up to that big bully with the funny sounding name in Mississippi on Friday, not if there's an economy that needs a fixin'! But why just cancel one debate when you can be an even bigger maverick and cancel two!? But wait wait wait again, the big bad evil man with the wacko name might get the stage all to himself?! No, we can't let that happen. Now that he's solved all of our problems, he has some time to face off with that other guy, what's his name again?

That John McCain is such a maverick with all of his maverickiness and all those mavericktious, maverickin, maverickishly, maverick moves!! I can't wait to have a president like that! Sure beats what we have now...BORING!

Okay lets lay it all out here: News Values
This story has
impact and prominence and currency, this wing-nut could be our president in a month--shivers are running down my spine. This story also has timeliness, you never know when crazy McCain is going to do something... uh, crazy. Don't stop pressing the refresh button on the New York Times homepage or you'll miss something...oh, you don't do that too? Conflict, you couldn't ask for more conflict in a story! Finally, this man, I mean story is just bizarre. Who acts like this? What is he on?


camccune said...

In addition to nailing the news values for this story, you made me laugh out loud...lots! Thanks, I feel better now.


P.S. Have you considered a career on SNL, the Daily Show or Colbert?

Lauren Marcus and Jason Freeman said...
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Lauren Marcus and Jason Freeman said...

Oh I could only dream of being that funny, I'm thinking of the Daily Show in particular! But thanks for the compliment!